A Study of Value Chain for Key Agriculture Commodities in 6 Identified Districts of Madhya Pradesh

SRIJAN, the organisation responsible for project implementation, worked diligently to increase the annual income of farmers affiliated with the Food Producer Organization in designated districts. They conducted a comprehensive value chain study, primarily focusing on identifying profitable agricultural commodities and understanding the value-added processes in production.

The study revealed that although a variety of crops were cultivated in these regions, farmers faced challenges in maximising profits due to limited value addition. Issues such as low awareness, reliance on traditional farming practices, transportation difficulties and inadequate market penetration hindered their income potential. SRIJAN, in collaboration with its partner, Walmart, actively promoted value addition in these districts.

BRIEF conducted the value chain analysis – covering several districts and various crops – which provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities. These findings served as a foundation for strategies aimed at enhancing the performance of these value chains and contributing to the economic development of the region. The report emphasised the need for stronger market connections, value-added processing, access to capital and technology, etc. as well as the importance of fostering public-private partnerships and coordination among stakeholders for sustainable agricultural development in these areas.